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5 Reasons Why Mediation Can Help Expedite Your Divorce

Intentionally & Exclusively Focused on Family Law
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Divorces can be a long, arduous process, especially when both parties cannot come to an agreement on property division, child custody and support, alimony, and more. While your attorney may negotiate agreements by proxy, you may want to participate in this process through mediation.

Mediation is a process where you and the other party meet to work out issues and come to agreements during a divorce. Typical topics covered in mediation often include child custody and support details, property division, the care and ownership of pets, and alimony.

Below are five ways mediation is a great option to help speed up your divorce.

Mediation Starts With A Set Of Topics To Discuss

Your mediation sessions will not be free-flowing but instead will be structured to get the best results. Both parties’ legal teams will help guide the process and ensure that all relevant topics are discussed and agreed upon. Often mediation covers child custody details and parenting plans, where parents get down to the nitty-gritty of raising their children. Mediation also typically includes property division, where properties and assets are divided between the parties based on the state’s property division standard.

You Get To Set The Standard On Your Priorities

Mediation gives you a space to set expectations on what you want to negotiate and what you want to walk away with. It helps the other party understand what you think is most important in this process, which can then be expedited with open communication. Openly expressing your goals for mediation sets the tone for agreements and displays what types of options you will not accept. This then limits negotiations that ultimately fail and emphasizes the importance of collaboration and creativity in decisions.

You Get To Know The Other Party’s Top Priorities

On the other hand, you also understand what the other party views as a priority in mediation. With clear and open communication together, both parties will come to terms on a various issues by creating the best possible agreements. While both parties might not share the same priorities, it will bring a holistic view of the mediation discussions and the paths each party is willing to take. By taking the time to identify and understand the other party’s priorities and how they interact with your own, you can ultimately eliminate confusion on negotiations and focus on how you can come to an agreement with the other party.

Meditation Usually Takes Less Time Than Traditional Routes

Mediation typically takes less time than arbitration or litigation because there is minimal preparation and less time to argue cases and wait for the judge’s decision. In mediation, the majority of the time spent is actually in negotiations with the other party. There is minimal waiting in negotiations, and ultimately, once mediation is over and all issues are resolved, the settlement is reported to the courts, and the divorce can then be finalized.

Mediation Is A Cost-Effective Alternative To Litigation

Not only does litigation cost time spent preparing and inside the courtroom, but all of that time also costs money. For litigation cases, you need to pay for attorneys’ fees for the time spent preparing for the case, which often takes time. Divorces that take the mediation route, on average, cost much less than a divorce that goes to litigation even though you do have to pay for the time of your mediator. With a lower cost of your divorce, more money goes back into your pocket.

Mediation is an excellent option for parties who are willing to collaborate during their divorce. It can help speed up the divorce process and create agreements that both parties are happy with.

If you are considering a divorce, call us at (888) 224-1218 today to schedule a free consultation! The skilled divorce attorneys at Sherwood, Johnson & Poles are ready to consult

on all of your divorce needs.
